1. contains unsolicited sexual content or unsolicited language that makes another user or any other person a non-consensual sexual target, or contains false or manipulated sexual content in relation to another user or any other person (including deepfakes);
  2. contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech (i.e. content intended to vilify, humiliate, dehumanize, discriminate, exclude, attack, threaten or incite hatred, fear or violence against any group or individual on the basis of race, ethnic origin, nationality, immigration status, caste, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious illness, veteran status or any other protected characteristic);
  3. contains or refers to anyone else's personal data or private or confidential information (for example, telephone numbers, location information (including street addresses and GPS coordinates), names, identity documents, e-mail addresses, platform login credentials, financial information, including bank account details and credit and debit cards, biometric data and medical records) without that person's express written consent;



  1. gives the impression that it originates from Dropfeet, or that it is approved, authorized or endorsed by Dropfeet;
  2. causes, or is calculated to cause, distress or anxiety to another person, or is likely to cause distress, embarrassment or serious offence to another person, particularly in the case of content amounting to revenge porn;
  3. is used or is intended to be used to extract money or other benefit from someone else in exchange for removal of the content.

Any breach of these obligations may give rise to the account restriction measures detailed in the GTS, which the Creator accepts in advance. In this respect, Dropfeet reminds you that it is implementing the measures described below to ensure that these requirements are met.

Process for fighting illegal content


Dropfeet is particularly committed to combating illegal content and all forms of online violence. In this respect, in compliance with the legal framework and its status as host of content edited and published by Creators, Dropfeet has put in place a process to combat such illicit content, organized as follows:

Dropfeet certifies any user wishing to become a Creator on the Platform by requiring identification and a selfie in real time. These identification elements are processed and authenticated by an artificial intelligence solution to minimize the risk of falsification. Thanks to this certification, Dropfeet can identify any author of potentially illicit content and, if necessary, initiate the necessary legal proceedings.

All Content, when uploaded by a Creator, is analyzed by another artificial intelligence solution that automatically detects any element that could possibly be considered prohibited by law or the present Content Policy.

Any content detected as containing an illicit element is blocked and cannot be published.

Any dispute or uncertainty during this process prior to the publication of Content may be forwarded to the team dedicated to these moderation issues.

Once the content has been published, Dropfeet then carries out random checks, enabling it, for example, to further analyze content linked to "exceptional" or "abnormal" transactions. Should Dropfeet come across content that is clearly illegal, it may be removed.

Finally, in line with its status as a host, Dropfeet acts promptly on any content notified to it as potentially illicit. Each piece of content is marked with a button enabling users to make a formal notification of illicit content, which may lead to the deletion of the media.

Policy to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content


Dropfeet has always been committed to preventing minors from accessing violent or pornographic content. For this reason, the Dropfeet Platform is forbidden to any user (Creator or subscriber) under the age of 18.


Dropfeet does, however, verify the age of the various categories of users:

  1. Verification of Creators' age: the age of each Creator is verified by means of his or her ID and a selfie, at the time of certification. These elements are processed and authenticated by an artificial intelligence solution.
  2. With regard to the integrity of consent and the majority of people appearing on content, in accordance with its Anti-Operation Policy, Dropfeet implements drastic verification procedures:

Dropfeet uses an artificial intelligence solution to analyze all content uploaded by creators, automatically detecting potentially illicit elements.